Just Cry
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning that cannot be expressed in words. -Romans 8:26
When you are scared, afraid, lonely, hurt, or lost, you are safe to cry out. When the words don’t come to you, just cry. When the answer isn’t so cut and dry, just cry. When we don’t know what to say because we have no idea what would fix the problem, just cry. Hand over the thinking and the fixing and cry out to God. Let the Holy Spirit pray for you through unrecognizable groans, while you just cry.
It’s often so hard to be still. We, especially women, think that we have to fix every problem. We take the burdens that aren’t meant to be ours and carry them, searching for the right words to pray, the right posture to pray in, or the right answers to some seemingly impossible problems. There is good news! Romans chapter 8 verse 27 goes on to say that the Holy Spirit pleads for us in harmony with God’s will. The Holy Spirit, in us, knows exactly what is needed in our situation. No matter how impossible things look, no matter how sad we are, or if our brain is too tired to think up words, the Holy Spirit has our back. He sends up prayers to God that align with His will and are guaranteed to be answered for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His will (Romans 8:28). Those foreign groanings are understood by a God who knows our every need and loves us with an unexplainable love.
So if you are experiencing hard times but don’t know what to pray, stop thinking! Hold onto your hope and lay silent in the presence of God while the Holy Spirit talks on your behalf. Thank God for this gift and let your brain rest. Allow God’s peace to overtake your soul while you just cry.