Despite All These Things
Photo by Ashton Mullins on Unsplash
No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. -Romans 8:37
Despite the person who hates you, the illness you have, the bad deal you’ve been dealt, the hard time you have fallen in, the addiction you’ve lived for……..despite all this, victory is yours. God loved you so much that he have you His only son, Jesus, who agreed to die for you just because He loves you like crazy. Nothing can negate this truth. No-one can take this promise from you. We could never do enough, nor could anyone do anything to us, to separate us from God’s love. Soak that in! No matter what the circumstances surrounding your hardship, God’s promise is for you. Despite the hard times, stand up and claim your victory! Amen and amen!