Do You Not See It!
Photo by Ryan Magsino on Unsplash
For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. -Isaiah 42:19
God knows us so well. He knows our weakness and our impatience. He knows our tendency to jump around from positive to negative on a flip of the switch. When he asks “Do you not see it?”, He knows every moment when the answer is no. Lifting us up in those moments, God gives us words of encouragement and guidance. And in the moments we do see it, He does the same. God is available for us and is always willing to help us broaden our view of our circumstances.
God understands how hard it is for us to see the good when all we feel is bad. But He still wants us to try. When we have difficulty it’s important to look harder. Sometimes it takes us stretching our view, but God always provides. And in those moments when we are just too weak, too tired to open our eyes, we let go and trust. In seeking God’s viewpoint, He is willing to give us glimpses. He doesn’t always give us the whole picture, but He can give us something to keep us going to the next leg of the journey. And we settle with that, trusting and believing that He is working on our behalf. And in the wait, we pray. Friend, I don’t know what you are dealing with today. I don’t know what has you worrying and on the verge of giving up, but I pray that you will not be satisfied with anything less than God’s promise that He is working on something new. Even if you don’t see it, don't give up, but turn to Him and seek His eyes and His wisdom in helping you to keep charging forward. Believe in your something new!