What Would You Do For A Klondike Bar?
I’m sure that the following statement will probably date me a bit but perhaps you remember it too… “What would you do-o-o for a Klondike Bar?” This catchy phrase is from television ads in which people would do all kinds of crazy stunts in order to be given a Klondike Ice Cream Bar. This phrase often comes to my mind when I’m ready to sell out for something I want! And today I am reminded of it as I read the story of a major sell-out!
Jacob and Esau were twin brothers, sons of Isaac, and grandsons of Abraham. Esau, the eldest twin, inherited a birthright of spiritual leadership and physical inheritance by simply being the first born child. As the boys grew up, Esau became a man of the outdoors- hunting, fishing, enjoying the open country. Jacob on the other hand was a homebody! One day Esau returned home famished from hunting and begged Jacob to feed him some stew. Jacob agreed with one stipulation-he would give Esau a bowl of stew if he would only sell his birthright to Jacob. Now Esau was so hungry for that red stew that instead of taking time to think through this decision, sold his birthright to Jacob for a simple bowl of stew.
In hearing this story you might think, “How foolish! A bowl of stew in exchange for a major inheritance and spiritual leadership of your family! What a waste!” Yet, I wonder what you’d do for a bowl of stew or a Klondike Bar so to speak. What would you do to gain the approval of others, a promotion, a bigger home, or a sweet new car. What would you do for a chance to meet a celebrity or gain status in a particular group? What kind of stew are you so hungry for that you would trade all that God has for you, a rich inheritance not only on this earth, but in eternity?
Are you willing to trade your purity for a night of comfort in the arms of another? Would you trade your reputation as a trust-worthy friend for gossip session among others so that you ‘fit in’ and are accepted? Would you lie to get what you wanted? What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
This is a question that begs to be answered through some deep soul-searching! The answer though doesn’t have to mean you settle for less than your Godly inheritance. God’s word tells us to “Taste and see that He is good.” Like Esau, are you hungry but eating on what will only satisfy you for a short while?
You don’t have to make the same mistake as Esau. Take time and think about what you are feasting on and determine to change your diet for the blessing of a satisfying life in Christ!
Photo by Dose Juice on Unsplash