Don't Doubt God's Power
Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Has my arm lost its power? Now you will see whether or not my word comes true!” -Numbers 11:23
This time it was the manna. People were complaining about the food in front of them. It wasn’t good enough anymore. They wanted something different, they wanted more. God had provided everything for them up to this point, in the wilderness. He had been leading them, laying down guidelines, providing food from heaven, and still they were complaining. Moses said, “I’m standing here surrounded by 600,00 men on foot and you say, ‘I’ll give them meat, meat every day for a month’. So where’s it coming from? Even if all the flocks and herds were butchered, would that be enough? Even if all the fish in the sea were caught, would that be enough?” (Numbers 11:21-22). I can hear the sass in his voice, like coming from my teenager. Moses was confused, tired and downright doubtful. And God’s response wasn't a long drawn out answer defending His power and glory. God called him out, and told him to wait and see.
I can almost guarantee that God’s response was the same then as it would be today. “So do you think I can’t take care of you?” When all we can do is whine and complain without ever stopping to take a breath, God is saying, “Have you given up on me?” “Do you think I am no longer capable of taking care of you?” God will even say to us, “just wait and see”. He knows our weaknesses, He knows our biggest fears and our doubts. God just keeps doing His thing, showing us over and over again that He is God. It’s only natural to doubt when things get really bad. But doubting that God can help us, we might as well tell him to his face that he isn’t strong enough for our problem. We might as well end our prayer by telling God we are done counting on Him, that His power has run out, that we just don’t need Him anymore. But friends, that is a lie! Every big mountain you face is just one more opportunity for God to show his strength, and that threatens Satan. Don’t get so down that you doubt God’s ability to handle whatever is on your plate.
God showed up. Indeed, God delivered what He promised but not without blazing anger for the doubts and complaining He had to listen to. I can’t say what God would do today, but I don’t want to pay the consequences of telling God I’ve given up on Him. Whatever you do, don't ever give up. Whatever you think, don’t ever think God isn't enough. Whatever you say, don’t say no to God’s promise.