There Was Great Calm
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash
When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was great calm. -Mark 4:39
This scripture found me on rough “mom” morning. I had just let Satan whisper his lies of doubt and fear into my ear when soon after I opened my Bible and found encouragement. I was the disciple with little faith, but Jesus didn’t condemn me or give me a long speech about how my faith had wavered. He was gentle and kind, full of grace and compassion. Jesus was right there waiting to help me in my distress. Like for the disciples, in the boat, on that scary night, he heard my cry and took charge.
Jesus is always ready to silence the winds and calm the waves of our situations and I am so thankful for His words that morning! He is all powerful and can change our circumstances by a word. Have faith in this scripture today and thank Jesus for always being with you, always being ready to help and always loving you so incredibly much.